Week Ten-Vive Le Us!!!
Dear Ellie Mae,
I can't help but notice that the photo galleries shut down just as we were nearing the end of our tragic journey into the fashion abyss. I am left to believe that Ellie Mae and Co have discovered us and have conspired with the MSN tech team to destroy us. It was a feeble attempt at best, Ellie Mae, not that I expected anything more from you. You knew my weakness. You somehow found out that if I can't Google a picture there's no way I'm going to find it because I rely on Google like an alcoholic does to their morning vodka. Ha! Ha, I say! Joke is on you, Stylist Devil-Beast. Thank you to Cindy from MartyCasey.org, Debra, Amelia, and Janet for being rad and finding them for us. Obviously we are internet deficient. Crystal was clever enough to save some favorite shots from the website (good and bad) so we are set there. This is not over. Your move, Ellie Mae. We WILL see this through to the end. Which honestly, I am looking a bit forward to, because I am starting to run out of material. Unlike you, I want to walk away from this without shame, without knowing that I'd pushed it too far. Thank you, for teaching me that lesson firsthand. And to those of you who think I stopped being funny a long time ago, or was never funny. Shhhhh! I don't think the some of the others have figured that out yet so kindly keep your goddamn mouth shut. Thanks.

GINA: I'm about to go to that dark, nerdy, place in the bottom of my heart and admit that I am strongly reminded of someone in one of those barely-distinguished-from-one-another anime shows that I don't really understand. Or, more specifically, like one of those people at the sci-fi convention that dress up as their favorite character in intricate, home-made costumes. I know you are thinking, "No. She is not so low as to find dorks in costume funny." I am that low. I hate myself that much. No such thing as an easy target in my book. You know, in a way, I admire them, because I could not do that without feeling like an idiot, and I appreciate their inhibition. In a controlled environment. If you are out on the street dressed up like a cartoon drawing, you are weird. Officially. It might make you feel good and make you happy, but there is a time and a place and no need to punish everyone because you want to live in Imaginary Land 24/7. Oh yeah, Suzie. Ummm...one glove, one giant necklace, and one pair of Goth kid-mallrat pants amounts to "Rock Star who came to visit Bayside" on an episode of Saved by the Bell.
CRYSTAL: Ha. How perfect would she have been for Saved by the Bell? Not as a rockstar, though. I imagine her being the desperate, annoying cousin to Tiffany-Amber’s Kelly, who came to visit and the gang had to convince her not to rat them out to Kelly’s parents about one of their foolhardy pranks. This costume is alright. I think it is comparably good when looking at some of her other choices. At least she stuck with a plain color palate. Ugh. I’m not all that impressed though. She is “Black Market RockStar.” Suzie is like buying prescription drugs in Mexico to avoid the high costs of American pharmacies. Sure, it’s cheaper, but is it worth the hassle? She’s the poor man’s version of Avril Lavigne (enter another annoying, Canadian pop songstress who overuses the word “rock”) but she’s just not really worth being a fan of because you have to put up with her personality and fashion sense. And your confident look doesn’t fool me, Suzie, I know this whole world is not right for someone who is as sensitive as you are. Alright, it’s the last performance…go have a drink. Go find yourself. Go do something where I don’t have to watch you cry anymore. That would be great.
GINA: Yes, I must agree, in comparison to some of her other choices this looks downright wonderful and I shouldn't take shots at her. I do have to say, however, that she's one of those people who are by all accounts funny, nice, warm, etc, yet there is something about her that is intrinsically annoying. At first she was okay, and then I started to like her a little bit, right around the middle of the season, and then in the end I was praying that she would get a bad case of tonsillitis so I wouldn't have to listen to her speak anymore. I know the chances of any of those rawkers seeing this are nil, but wouldn't that be our just desserts? That they all read this and thought we were the meanest, most awful, unfunniest (because it is never funny when it's about you and your friends), people to ever make fun of things on the internet? Of course, I'm totally willing to deal with that because maybe then one or two of them would look under all of the mean shenanigans and take our advice, or their own advice, fucking anyone but Ellie Mae's advice. I especially hope this for Suzie. (Not for her to see this. I'd feel bad if she read this spiteful thing) I hope that she looks back on the same pictures we did and sort of wince over some the things she wore. Then maybe she would just start being herself, whatever that is, and she'd look so much better.
CRYSTAL: Not a surprise to anyone, but Suzie was never my favorite. Whenever she seemed charming or funny it just upset me more. It was like she wasn’t allowed because I already had my mind made up to hate her. I know its mean, and I’m sorry or whatever, but I hope she only stays popular in Canada. They are responsible for creating it so they should be the ones to suffer.

GINA: Crystal once mentioned that JD made her realize that she can be shallow and I am forced to agree that he has done the same for me. JD is obviously a serial killer, I mean, he's got a tie to choke me with right there, proudly displayed, and still I would get into that van. At least I'd get to touch him. You know, while clawing for my life. I would hope that he would at least grant me that pleasure. Other than the tie he looks intolerably hot here. And ugh, ugh I just...hate myself. There are so many attributes about him that I normally don't like...the cockiness, and when he performs all the histrionics and little sayings that I should hate, the formerly being in from what I can tell from the pictures to be a rap metal band. Yet I am completely entranced when I watch him. I never noticed some of the terribleness of his outfits. The part that bothers me most is that think if he was just some guy I met randomly, his affect on me would be the same. He's that hot all on his own. Without the singing and all that. It's like he was put here to humble me, to teach me that one is never truly above anything. Human Being: Being Human, indeed, Mr. Fortune.
CRYSTAL: Argh. Let me tell you guys the story with the tie. JD and I were sitting around Saturday afternoon enjoying left over chinese and a lovely episode of My Fair Brady, when I told him that we needed to go and find him a tie to go with his suit for the wedding. He started to sass me and said that he really did not have the time (some excuse about practicing or whatever) and that I should pick it out because “we’ll just get what you want anyway.” Then I CALMLY explained that he had yet to do anything to participate in the wedding plans and it would be nice if he pretended like he wanted to get married and come with me. Well, after I pulled out a girl’s secret weapon (crying) he begrudgingly went, but he still complained during the three hours it took me to find the perfect one. I didn’t talk to him the rest of the weekend because of his behavior and so on performance night, still in a snit, he wore that very expensive tie around his FREAKING BELT HOLE JUST TO PISS ME OFF. Just look at his face, he knows he won. Smug bastard. Not that it pisses me off, mind you, I am the freaking epitome of cool. I don’t lose my freaking temper over childish behavior…
I. MEAN. COME. ON. Your belt hole?? You might as well have worn it up your ass! I…Jesus…I’m calling your Mother.
GINA: Aw, snap. Tread carefully JD, I've never seen Crystal in such a state. Who knew she was going to be such a perfectionist, control freak about the wedding? Just the other day she called me and went on for two hours, fretting about having the ceremony in Missouri or Canada. Should she just have two weddings? Well, his family is just going to have to understand, I'm the bride, so it should be where I'm from. It is really pretty in Canada in the summer, though. Match that with hours long conversations about centerpieces and which kind of napkin to use, and I'm wiped. I care about her and I care about the wedding and all, but I want my friend back.
CRYSTAL: Sorry. It will be over very soon. But, I have to wonder, how spent are you going to be when we start talking baby names?

GINA: I think this is when MiG started to get a little desperate. In addition to the bare chest, he has ripped a tiny hole by the left pocket of his pants. Sure it may be a design, but I'm going with a rip. This went one of two ways. Way one involves MiG thinking that a glistening torso is not enough and decided to give the ladies a lookie-loo at his hip. The other, more probable way, is that he accidentally ripped them while struggling to get them on. Those aren't spandex, and pants that tight are never forgiving. I do wonder if MiG decided that the naked look was working for him and played to that strength almost every performance show. Okay, I guess you don't really even need to wonder. He did. And as I've said before that kind of "Anything for a Vote" attitude is going to get you far with me because I find that sort of thing to be really entertaining. Take it off if that's what it takes. Always hilarious, every time.
CRYSTAL: Call me cynical (go ahead, do it, won’t be the first time), but, I also have to wonder why MiG chose this outfit tonight. He’s already worn both pieces in the past with no success (according to us, of course)…maybe he thinks that by wearing this jacket he will somehow harness the spirit he had when he sang Lola? Maybe he’s wearing those pants because he just sprang for a fresh bikini wax and he knows which stretchy pants best enhance his hairlessness? Maybe he is possibly the most clueless man who has ever walked the face of the earth and he actually believes EM when she says he looks fab? While all those theories are possible I’m going with the one Gina maintains: MiG, in all his seemingly adorable naiveté, is actually a cunning, ruthless animal who knows exactly how to whore it out for a competition. This man, who seems so whimsical and cotton candy-ish, is working his plastic torso magic and reeling in the fish with a giant bubblegum flavored net. He is sly, yes. It almost worked too…but somehow, someway…those clever boys in INXS must have caught on.

GINA: So, do you think that Marty always gets there first and picks out all the good shit? Good on him, nothing wrong with that, it shows the kind of dedication and commitment to excellence that I like to see from a television personality. Nothing about his outfit is bothering me, the pants fit great, his hair is reigned in. He's looking a little timid and freaked out, but it's not like I could do any better, so I'll let it slide. In a perfect world, once Marty was done with rocking full time, he would open a fashion school for up and coming rockers. He would instruct them in the ways of proper accesorization, footwear, acceptable color schemes, and developing personal style. If you teach a man to fish, as they say. Then the Ellie Mae's of the world would be eliminated because the new generation of rockers would know how to dress themselves.
CRYSTAL: Marrrrrtin? What’s with the face? Did someone sneak up on you and take your picture? You’re model pose says your ready for the shot but your face says “hey! I charge ten bucks for one of those pics…you just can’t take them for free.” He seriously looks like my Grandpa did when my Grandma took away “his chair” and bought him a new one because the old one was worn and had cigarette burn holes all over it. Then my Grandma had the gall to tell him later that day that he looked like he just lost his best friend. Uh, G-ma, you just got rid of his chair. Marty’s clothes look good as per usual. He really is the most un-disappointing rocker on this show. We can always count on Marty. He’s the Old Faithful of RS. I really want to believe that he always looks appropriate because he tells Ellie Mae to shove it on a fairly regular basis, but the truth is, if you keep it pretty simple, stick with solid colors with a minimum of flair and then add the fact that you are tall and thin…its is almost impossible not to look good. So I give half the credit to Marty, half the credit to his parent’s good genes.
GINA: Marty is definitely fashion MVP.
CRYSTAL: Indeed. Crown that wiry b-otch.

CRYSTAL: Wow, Brooke, you kind of have that whole "I Dream of Jeannie, the Whore" thing going on. If you're not familiar with it, folks, it was a colorful 60s TV show that was very popular with valium-addicted housewives. They preferred to watch it whilst vacuuming so that they didn’t have to listen to Jeannie’s voice. They just liked looking at her rack. Valium does strange things to women. Brooke reached new heights of hilarity tonight, well, for me,…and many an unsuspecting crowd-folk in the audience caught a glimpse of something that one can only see if they were married to Brooke... or have the internet. How could she possibly be comfortable wearing that skirt? It looks like one of Suzie’s belts. If Ellie Mae’s goal is to get Brooke date raped because she “looked like she wanted it,” she may succeed.

GINA: As for Dave, I couldn't find his picture from the show, so I picked this one. Am I the only one who always kind of expected Dave's beard to be supple and soft, like the hair on his head? I've never seen a close of Dave before and it's really shattered some illusions. I like how Dave looks like an Amish Rock Star, with his wide brimmed hat with sassy purple detail. The other people, back at the farm, didn't like his flashy ways, so Dave went out on his own, but, as we can see here, never forgot his roots.
I can't help but notice that the photo galleries shut down just as we were nearing the end of our tragic journey into the fashion abyss. I am left to believe that Ellie Mae and Co have discovered us and have conspired with the MSN tech team to destroy us. It was a feeble attempt at best, Ellie Mae, not that I expected anything more from you. You knew my weakness. You somehow found out that if I can't Google a picture there's no way I'm going to find it because I rely on Google like an alcoholic does to their morning vodka. Ha! Ha, I say! Joke is on you, Stylist Devil-Beast. Thank you to Cindy from MartyCasey.org, Debra, Amelia, and Janet for being rad and finding them for us. Obviously we are internet deficient. Crystal was clever enough to save some favorite shots from the website (good and bad) so we are set there. This is not over. Your move, Ellie Mae. We WILL see this through to the end. Which honestly, I am looking a bit forward to, because I am starting to run out of material. Unlike you, I want to walk away from this without shame, without knowing that I'd pushed it too far. Thank you, for teaching me that lesson firsthand. And to those of you who think I stopped being funny a long time ago, or was never funny. Shhhhh! I don't think the some of the others have figured that out yet so kindly keep your goddamn mouth shut. Thanks.

GINA: I'm about to go to that dark, nerdy, place in the bottom of my heart and admit that I am strongly reminded of someone in one of those barely-distinguished-from-one-another anime shows that I don't really understand. Or, more specifically, like one of those people at the sci-fi convention that dress up as their favorite character in intricate, home-made costumes. I know you are thinking, "No. She is not so low as to find dorks in costume funny." I am that low. I hate myself that much. No such thing as an easy target in my book. You know, in a way, I admire them, because I could not do that without feeling like an idiot, and I appreciate their inhibition. In a controlled environment. If you are out on the street dressed up like a cartoon drawing, you are weird. Officially. It might make you feel good and make you happy, but there is a time and a place and no need to punish everyone because you want to live in Imaginary Land 24/7. Oh yeah, Suzie. Ummm...one glove, one giant necklace, and one pair of Goth kid-mallrat pants amounts to "Rock Star who came to visit Bayside" on an episode of Saved by the Bell.
CRYSTAL: Ha. How perfect would she have been for Saved by the Bell? Not as a rockstar, though. I imagine her being the desperate, annoying cousin to Tiffany-Amber’s Kelly, who came to visit and the gang had to convince her not to rat them out to Kelly’s parents about one of their foolhardy pranks. This costume is alright. I think it is comparably good when looking at some of her other choices. At least she stuck with a plain color palate. Ugh. I’m not all that impressed though. She is “Black Market RockStar.” Suzie is like buying prescription drugs in Mexico to avoid the high costs of American pharmacies. Sure, it’s cheaper, but is it worth the hassle? She’s the poor man’s version of Avril Lavigne (enter another annoying, Canadian pop songstress who overuses the word “rock”) but she’s just not really worth being a fan of because you have to put up with her personality and fashion sense. And your confident look doesn’t fool me, Suzie, I know this whole world is not right for someone who is as sensitive as you are. Alright, it’s the last performance…go have a drink. Go find yourself. Go do something where I don’t have to watch you cry anymore. That would be great.
GINA: Yes, I must agree, in comparison to some of her other choices this looks downright wonderful and I shouldn't take shots at her. I do have to say, however, that she's one of those people who are by all accounts funny, nice, warm, etc, yet there is something about her that is intrinsically annoying. At first she was okay, and then I started to like her a little bit, right around the middle of the season, and then in the end I was praying that she would get a bad case of tonsillitis so I wouldn't have to listen to her speak anymore. I know the chances of any of those rawkers seeing this are nil, but wouldn't that be our just desserts? That they all read this and thought we were the meanest, most awful, unfunniest (because it is never funny when it's about you and your friends), people to ever make fun of things on the internet? Of course, I'm totally willing to deal with that because maybe then one or two of them would look under all of the mean shenanigans and take our advice, or their own advice, fucking anyone but Ellie Mae's advice. I especially hope this for Suzie. (Not for her to see this. I'd feel bad if she read this spiteful thing) I hope that she looks back on the same pictures we did and sort of wince over some the things she wore. Then maybe she would just start being herself, whatever that is, and she'd look so much better.
CRYSTAL: Not a surprise to anyone, but Suzie was never my favorite. Whenever she seemed charming or funny it just upset me more. It was like she wasn’t allowed because I already had my mind made up to hate her. I know its mean, and I’m sorry or whatever, but I hope she only stays popular in Canada. They are responsible for creating it so they should be the ones to suffer.

GINA: Crystal once mentioned that JD made her realize that she can be shallow and I am forced to agree that he has done the same for me. JD is obviously a serial killer, I mean, he's got a tie to choke me with right there, proudly displayed, and still I would get into that van. At least I'd get to touch him. You know, while clawing for my life. I would hope that he would at least grant me that pleasure. Other than the tie he looks intolerably hot here. And ugh, ugh I just...hate myself. There are so many attributes about him that I normally don't like...the cockiness, and when he performs all the histrionics and little sayings that I should hate, the formerly being in from what I can tell from the pictures to be a rap metal band. Yet I am completely entranced when I watch him. I never noticed some of the terribleness of his outfits. The part that bothers me most is that think if he was just some guy I met randomly, his affect on me would be the same. He's that hot all on his own. Without the singing and all that. It's like he was put here to humble me, to teach me that one is never truly above anything. Human Being: Being Human, indeed, Mr. Fortune.
CRYSTAL: Argh. Let me tell you guys the story with the tie. JD and I were sitting around Saturday afternoon enjoying left over chinese and a lovely episode of My Fair Brady, when I told him that we needed to go and find him a tie to go with his suit for the wedding. He started to sass me and said that he really did not have the time (some excuse about practicing or whatever) and that I should pick it out because “we’ll just get what you want anyway.” Then I CALMLY explained that he had yet to do anything to participate in the wedding plans and it would be nice if he pretended like he wanted to get married and come with me. Well, after I pulled out a girl’s secret weapon (crying) he begrudgingly went, but he still complained during the three hours it took me to find the perfect one. I didn’t talk to him the rest of the weekend because of his behavior and so on performance night, still in a snit, he wore that very expensive tie around his FREAKING BELT HOLE JUST TO PISS ME OFF. Just look at his face, he knows he won. Smug bastard. Not that it pisses me off, mind you, I am the freaking epitome of cool. I don’t lose my freaking temper over childish behavior…
I. MEAN. COME. ON. Your belt hole?? You might as well have worn it up your ass! I…Jesus…I’m calling your Mother.
GINA: Aw, snap. Tread carefully JD, I've never seen Crystal in such a state. Who knew she was going to be such a perfectionist, control freak about the wedding? Just the other day she called me and went on for two hours, fretting about having the ceremony in Missouri or Canada. Should she just have two weddings? Well, his family is just going to have to understand, I'm the bride, so it should be where I'm from. It is really pretty in Canada in the summer, though. Match that with hours long conversations about centerpieces and which kind of napkin to use, and I'm wiped. I care about her and I care about the wedding and all, but I want my friend back.
CRYSTAL: Sorry. It will be over very soon. But, I have to wonder, how spent are you going to be when we start talking baby names?

GINA: I think this is when MiG started to get a little desperate. In addition to the bare chest, he has ripped a tiny hole by the left pocket of his pants. Sure it may be a design, but I'm going with a rip. This went one of two ways. Way one involves MiG thinking that a glistening torso is not enough and decided to give the ladies a lookie-loo at his hip. The other, more probable way, is that he accidentally ripped them while struggling to get them on. Those aren't spandex, and pants that tight are never forgiving. I do wonder if MiG decided that the naked look was working for him and played to that strength almost every performance show. Okay, I guess you don't really even need to wonder. He did. And as I've said before that kind of "Anything for a Vote" attitude is going to get you far with me because I find that sort of thing to be really entertaining. Take it off if that's what it takes. Always hilarious, every time.
CRYSTAL: Call me cynical (go ahead, do it, won’t be the first time), but, I also have to wonder why MiG chose this outfit tonight. He’s already worn both pieces in the past with no success (according to us, of course)…maybe he thinks that by wearing this jacket he will somehow harness the spirit he had when he sang Lola? Maybe he’s wearing those pants because he just sprang for a fresh bikini wax and he knows which stretchy pants best enhance his hairlessness? Maybe he is possibly the most clueless man who has ever walked the face of the earth and he actually believes EM when she says he looks fab? While all those theories are possible I’m going with the one Gina maintains: MiG, in all his seemingly adorable naiveté, is actually a cunning, ruthless animal who knows exactly how to whore it out for a competition. This man, who seems so whimsical and cotton candy-ish, is working his plastic torso magic and reeling in the fish with a giant bubblegum flavored net. He is sly, yes. It almost worked too…but somehow, someway…those clever boys in INXS must have caught on.

GINA: So, do you think that Marty always gets there first and picks out all the good shit? Good on him, nothing wrong with that, it shows the kind of dedication and commitment to excellence that I like to see from a television personality. Nothing about his outfit is bothering me, the pants fit great, his hair is reigned in. He's looking a little timid and freaked out, but it's not like I could do any better, so I'll let it slide. In a perfect world, once Marty was done with rocking full time, he would open a fashion school for up and coming rockers. He would instruct them in the ways of proper accesorization, footwear, acceptable color schemes, and developing personal style. If you teach a man to fish, as they say. Then the Ellie Mae's of the world would be eliminated because the new generation of rockers would know how to dress themselves.
CRYSTAL: Marrrrrtin? What’s with the face? Did someone sneak up on you and take your picture? You’re model pose says your ready for the shot but your face says “hey! I charge ten bucks for one of those pics…you just can’t take them for free.” He seriously looks like my Grandpa did when my Grandma took away “his chair” and bought him a new one because the old one was worn and had cigarette burn holes all over it. Then my Grandma had the gall to tell him later that day that he looked like he just lost his best friend. Uh, G-ma, you just got rid of his chair. Marty’s clothes look good as per usual. He really is the most un-disappointing rocker on this show. We can always count on Marty. He’s the Old Faithful of RS. I really want to believe that he always looks appropriate because he tells Ellie Mae to shove it on a fairly regular basis, but the truth is, if you keep it pretty simple, stick with solid colors with a minimum of flair and then add the fact that you are tall and thin…its is almost impossible not to look good. So I give half the credit to Marty, half the credit to his parent’s good genes.
GINA: Marty is definitely fashion MVP.
CRYSTAL: Indeed. Crown that wiry b-otch.

CRYSTAL: Wow, Brooke, you kind of have that whole "I Dream of Jeannie, the Whore" thing going on. If you're not familiar with it, folks, it was a colorful 60s TV show that was very popular with valium-addicted housewives. They preferred to watch it whilst vacuuming so that they didn’t have to listen to Jeannie’s voice. They just liked looking at her rack. Valium does strange things to women. Brooke reached new heights of hilarity tonight, well, for me,…and many an unsuspecting crowd-folk in the audience caught a glimpse of something that one can only see if they were married to Brooke... or have the internet. How could she possibly be comfortable wearing that skirt? It looks like one of Suzie’s belts. If Ellie Mae’s goal is to get Brooke date raped because she “looked like she wanted it,” she may succeed.

GINA: As for Dave, I couldn't find his picture from the show, so I picked this one. Am I the only one who always kind of expected Dave's beard to be supple and soft, like the hair on his head? I've never seen a close of Dave before and it's really shattered some illusions. I like how Dave looks like an Amish Rock Star, with his wide brimmed hat with sassy purple detail. The other people, back at the farm, didn't like his flashy ways, so Dave went out on his own, but, as we can see here, never forgot his roots.